A.R.M Medical Center Management

The A.R.M Medical Center was founded in 2009 by the following three E.N.T specialists:
• Prof. Michal Luntz, supra-specialization in the field of ear and hearing
• Dr. Avi Hefetz, supra-specialization in the field of head and neck
• Dr. Roee Landsberg, supra-specialization in the field of nose, sinuses and skull base
The founders’ vision and goals:
The founders wanted to establish a place that will improve the prestige of the private medicine – not only in terms of service provision (long consultation time, immediate surgery availability, comprehensive administrative solutions, etc.), but also in terms of systemic-professional aspects. According to the prevailing opinion, private medicine, despite its availability and high service level, is weaker in several areas than public medicine. The founders’ vision was to build a place that will provide all-encompassing solutions and meet the professional standards in all criteria:

• Team work rather than individual work – The A.R.M Medical Center operates under the same roof a whole department including all its subspecialties. Professionals consult with each other and conduct joint surgeries, as required.
• Relationship with the new generations of physicians – The A.R.M Medical Center decided to focus on teaching and education of groups of medical students, and each year students attend the center for two-week rounds.
• Research – In order to always maintain a leading position in science and professional development, a decision was made against abandoning research, and joint academic research is constantly conducted between the A.R.M Medical Center and Assuta Hospital.
• Constant care and vigilance with the presence of A.R.M Medical Center senior physicians and on-call availability of physicians day and night.
The realization of the founders’ vision as well as additional cross-organizational aspirations and considerations led to forming an integrated group of physicians who work together and create the consultation and activity circles that provide an unprecedented level of professional and service excellence.

Noa Manella, CEO

Noa is highly accomplished in management of various systems in the fields of education, culture and health. She has deep familiarity with the health and medical system from her position as the VP of the Israeli Medical Association.

Prof. Roee Landsberg, Founder

Prof. Roee Landsberg is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at Ben Gurion University. Between 2013 and 2017 he served as Chairman of the Israeli Rhinology Society.

Prof. Michal Luntz, Founder

Prof. Luntz has broad and extensive experience in the ear and hearing surgery. She is the director of the E.N.T Department at Bnei Zion Medical Center.

Prof. Avi Hefetz, Founder

Dr. Avi Hefetz is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Hefetz has been recently appointed as an adviser to the Israel Cancer Association in the field of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology.

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Assuta Hospital, Ramat HaHayal, 20 HaBarzel St. Tel Aviv

Phone Number: 03-7645464 | Fax: 03-7645462

Opening Hours


08:00 - 21:00


08:00 - 13:00